Friends of BFT Australia

Supporting Build Your Future Today Center, Cambodia


Orphanage Tourism vs Holistic Care: The BFT Approach

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You may have read, and been concerned about, the practice of "Orphanage Tourism", prevalent in Cambodia, and wanted to ask what BFT's practices were. The Cambodian Children's trust, set up to combat this practice, identifies a Holistic Family-Based Care Model (HFBC), focusing on preserving family structures, establishing family-based foster care where required and taking action to reintegrate families as quickly as possible. This is, in fact, the model which Sedtha Long has practiced since he and Sam Sek started fostering children and reuniting families in the refugee camps on the Thai border after the overthrow of the Khmer Rouge - and remains the model used today by BFT. Read the story of Oot Yee and her family as an example of BFT's holistic approach to caring for endangered village children.

